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Steps to Becoming an Accredited C&MA Church

1. Developing Alliance Church

A "developing Alliance church" shall consist of a body of at least 20 adult believers that has adopted and adheres to the Guidelines for Developing Churches, and which meets regularly at an established time and place under the direction of a leader appointed by the district for the purpose of worship, evangelism, edification, and fellowship with the objective of becoming a fully accredited church of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. 

2. Accredited Alliance Church

A developing Alliance church with at least 20 adults who have completed a membership class, confessed Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, signed the C&MA application for membership, and have drafted church bylaws may petition the district superintendent to become an accredited church. The pastor and district superintendent shall constitute the committee on membership in preparation for official accreditation. An Organizational meeting will be scheduled at which time the C&MA Constitution is adopted verbatim by a vote of the charter members of the new church. An Advisory Committee will serve as the Governing Board members until the  next election.

Download Accreditation Checklist 

Download Guidelines for the Governance of a Developing Church


Developing Church

  • Governed by an Advisory Committee appointed by the district superintendent.

  • Actions discussed at the Advisory Committee meetings are subject to approval of the district superintendent.

  • Land and buildings purchased must be done in the name of the district. Prior approval must be secured from the district superintendent and DEXCOM. Only district representatives are to sign legal leases and/or purchase property.

  • The church is permitted to send its pastor to District Conference and General Council.

Accredited Church

  • Governed by a Governing Board elected by the church at its annual meeting. 

  • Church is self-governing. The district superintendent has input into major decisions.

  • Church may purchase land and buildings in the church's name. Loan approval must be secured by DEXCOM.

  • The church is permitted to sends it pastor and lay delegates to District Conference and General Council as outlined in the C&MA Manual.

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